Boiling Springs High School Marching Band
Band Bag / Backpack
Every band member receives a ‘band bag’. This bag is to be used to carry items necessary to perform. For example: band gloves, band shoes, extra black socks, hand wipes, hair accessories, emergency toiletries, phone chargers, etc.
Band Booster Web Site
BSHSBB.ORG - Contains important information such as: schedules, calendars, band handbook, chaperone forms, etc.​
Band Fees
DO NOT BRING BAND FEES TO MR. SCARABINO. All band payments are to be paid online via or to the BSHS Bookkeeper - Carolyn Wall. Her summer office hours are 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday.
Band Jacket (optional)
Orders will be coordinated by the Band Director during the band season. Purchased by Student
Band Shoes
Students will be sized for band shoes during summer band camp. Most students are able to wear them for 4 years. You may also find a used pair from a graduated member if needed. Cost - will vary. Purchased by Student.
Returning Members: If your shoes from last year still fit and are in good shape, there is no need to purchase a new pair.
Bands of America (BOA)
Aka: BOA Competition
Bands of America (aka: Music For All) is a national organization for high school music students. There are twenty-plus regional contests held around the US. There is a preliminary performance and qualifying bands will proceed to finals. BOA website is
The stand-up marching part of percussion (snares, tenors, and bass drums)
The pants / overall part of the school’s band uniform worn under the jacket.​
Bus Trips
Students are assigned to buses by grade-level. They will usually ride the same bus number for the entire season.
Things needed:
Portable charger for phones / electronics
Money (For concessions or souvenirs etc.)
Extra pair of black socks and/or white gloves
Call Time
The time that the Band Director expects students to be dressed and/or ready to go. “If you are early, you are on time. If you are on time, you are late”. Please plan accordingly.
Car Wash
Typically done by section to raise money for band initiatives. Parent volunteers are needed to help wash cars, collect money, and ensure the safety of the students. Car washes are mandatory for students.
Carolina Winter Ensemble Association (CWEA)
CWEA is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization dedicated to the education and support of the Indoor Performing Arts. Many of the indoor winter ensemble competitions we participate in are sanctioned by CWEA.
Parent volunteers who assist the staff and marching band students during practices, football games and other venues during the season. They travel on the buses with the band and ensure the safety of the band members while on the road. Chaperones must submit a SLED check form every school year. If you are interested in being a chaperone, contact Mr. Dennis Stepp. Forms can be located at
Color Guard
Band students that incorporate choreography movements, as well as the use of a flag, sabre, and/or rifle to enhance the field show. This group also competes in winter ensemble programs.
Contests / Competitions are important features of the Boiling Springs Band program. It is through these activities that we obtain valuable feedback about our progress as individuals and as a program. The BSHS marching band participates in, and hosts, several competitions each year.
The Band Boosters currently operates all concessions during football games, other athletic events and when we host band competitions. The proceeds from concessions are used for the band and parent volunteers are needed.
The band student's position coordinates during certain points of the field show.
Drum Corp International (DCI)
Also known as “Marching Music’s Major League”, a drum and bugle corps is a musical marching unit consisting of brass instruments, percussion instruments and color guard. Drum corps are specialized marching bands. For more information visit
Facebook Page
We have a ‘private’ Facebook page titled “Boiling Springs High School Band”. This page is private because it is used to communicate schedules and post photos, and we want to protect the identity of our children. If you are interested in joining the page, please request to join it on FB or see one of the band boosters.
Feeding The 'Dogs'
Volunteers are needed during summer band camp, and at competitions, to help prepare and feed food to the students. Please see a board member for more information.
Festival Of Bands (FOB)
This is a day-long band competition hosted by BSHS each year. Our band does not compete, but they usually perform as exhibition. This is a big fundraiser for our band program, and it takes a lot of parent volunteers to make the event go well. Band members are required to work at various assigned jobs during this competition. Please consider signing-up as a volunteer and join the fun!
Field Judge
Judges that can be seen walking amongst the band on the field during band competitions.
White or black gloves – part of the uniform. Many parents order extra gloves online to have as back-up while washing used ones. Purchased by Student
Performance Shirt
Athletic material shirt worn under bibber / uniform.
Pit (Front Ensemble)
The Marching Band percussion front ensemble of marimba, timpani, keyboards etc.
Pit Crew
Parent volunteers who help push the front ensemble, sound gear, podiums and props onto the field during games and contests.
The large, expensive feather worn on top of the shako.
Prop Crew
Parent volunteers who build and transport props for the band. Duties include loading and unloading props and equipment on trucks when traveling, assembling props, disassembling props, and getting props on and off the field for performances.
Visual enhancements to the theme of the marching band field show.
Retail Merchandise
Each year band-themed t-shirt designs and other various items are sold to parents and band supporters. These can be purchased under the stadium seats near the concession stand during football games, or at band booster meetings.
Any new marching band member, regardless of year in school, is called a “rookie”. Most rookies are incoming freshman, but some are incoming 8th graders. This term also applies to parents of incoming band members, for example, “Rookie Parent.” The Boiling Springs Bulldog Band welcomes all rookies to our program!
A set time arranged by the directors when a specific instrument section gathers to rehearse.
The band’s position on the field during a certain point in the show.
The marching uniform hat. It is stored in a box called a Shako Box.
Show Shirt
T-shirt designed for the students to showcase the name/subject of the marching show.
South Carolina Band Directors Association (SCBDA)
South Carolina Band Link is a non-profit source for information about school bands in South Carolina. This resource is provided for band directors, band students, band boosters, parents, and the general public. The mission of Band Link is to provide easy access to information about school bands in South Carolina and help promote the positive nature of the school band activity. The SCBDA also sponsors several marching band competitions throughout the state each year, including the 2A/4A event that we often host at Boiling Springs High School.
The band boosters have a business sponsorship program that helps students pay for their band fees. Students can ask local businesses to sponsor the BSHS band program. Sponsorship information and forms are available on the website. Please contact a member of the band boosters if you have any questions or need further details.
Techs (Consultants)
Staff hired by the Band Director to work closely with band members as well as with the percussion and guard.
Band members are measured and assigned uniforms during summer band camp. Many volunteers are needed to help with wash uniforms after select performances. The BSHS official uniform consists of:​
Full marching uniform, top & bottom (Provided by school)
Shako & Plume (Provided by school)
Gloves (Purchased by student)
Shoes (Purchased by student)
Black Socks (Purchased by student)​
Watering The Dogs
Donations of bottled water are collected during the marching season to be used by the students at competitions and while traveling.
Winter Ensembles
BSHS has three winter ensemble groups that practice weekly in the winter months and perform on gym floors in competitions that are held indoors January through March.
The groups are:
Winter Winds
Winter Percussion
Winter Guard
If there is a helpful glossary term missing from this list please let us know.